Health & Fitness

5 Points

Smokers Beware: The FDA is Cracking Down on Your Favorite E-Cigarettes

Health officials from the Food and Drug Administration announced on Tuesday a nationwide effort to reduce and prevent underage use of e-cigarette brands. The crackdown focuses on popular e-cigarette...

5 Points

E.coli Outbreak from Tainted Lettuce Now Spreads to 56 People

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have expanded their warning on a recent outbreak of E.coli this week. The warning has linked romaine...

5 Points

These are the Best Power Foods that Boost Your Immune System

Maintaining a healthy body can be challenging when faced with the many obstacles we tend to face in our daily lives. Between managing children, work, and late-night activities, our meals might be distant...

5 Points

Can Fatty Foods be Good for You?

Ah yes, the time old question: is eating this cake a healthy choice? Probably not, but it puts a spotlight on what this article is all about: fatty foods and why we regard them as unhealthy. In this...

5 Points

Why is Too Much Sugar Bad for You?

It’s common knowledge that consuming too many sugary products can be bad for you. Whether it’s mom and dad, your health teacher, or your dentist down the block, we’ve been hearing that...

5 Points

This is the Scientific Secret to Losing Weight

If you’re anything like the millions of Americans struggling to lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle, then you know that the struggle is real. You might be worrying about counting calories,...

5 Points

The Top Reasons Why You Should Eat More Fruits & Veggies

News flash: eating fruits and vegetables are critical to living healthily and losing weight. Shocking, right? Jokes aside, we all know that including more fruits and vegetables into your diet is important....

5 Points

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Sometimes, working out can suck. Big time. We live increasingly busier lives, and fitting in an hour or even thirty minutes to workout can be a hassle when there are a million other things on your plate....

5 Points

10 Common Foods That Could Shorten Your Life

Many people are searching for the proverbial fountain of youth. We all want to live longer and strive to be like the woman who appears on morning talk shows because she hit 100 years old and is still active...

5 Points

8 Popular Diets - What Works and What Doesn't

We are an obese nation obsessed with trying to lose weight, and there are many diets to support it. Any diet that helps you lose weight can be a good thing, but lurking behind that healthy façade...

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